Thursday, July 26, 2018

Meet the Mormons

Today is my daughter's 25th Birthday.  I am attending school at LDS Business College.  I just finished the Semester and needed to come up with something to do until September 17th when I go back again.  Well, I knew that I wanted to read The Book of Mormon.  I truly do love this book.  I believe every word and am so blessed to have Personal Revelation.  I feel the spirit so strongly that I feel as though I glow as I read.  It is the most amazing feeling in the world. 

Today we went and watched Meet the Mormons at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  I was so touched by this woman that is an artist.  She decided one night that she would serve the homeless in her community.  By the time her event came to fruition she had 120 volunteers with her.  Her service blessed many.  All I could think of is that one person could make such a difference. 

I hope that by reading my thoughts that I will be able to touch even one person.  I am getting to know the Savior on a very personal level.  I feel as though I have been so distanced from the Spirit.  My heart is just filled to the brim.

I am a Survivor.  I was given a very difficult trial that took a lot away from me.  I am fighting to get it back and to grow even stronger.  I shared some of my journal entries with my parents.  I want them to know that I do  not blame them for the trial that I have been given.  In fact, my life has been blessed because of them. 

What does it mean to be a Survivor?  To me it means learning and growing from past experiences.  I have always felt that everything happens for a reason.  I believe that my trial happened so many years ago but today I am learning so much more than I ever could have learned all those years past.  Heavenly Father truly does cater to our needs.

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